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Education Blog

SAT goes Digital!

We have been transforming our digital world since the early 1950s. The old days of long telephone cords, the sounds from a typewriter, the white noise of radio channels, and static from antennas are gone! Now our computers are thin and travel with us to and from locations. Our phones never leave our side, not even in the restrooms! And we can deposit checks, transfer funds, make investments, purchase fashion, shop at grocery stores, and read books just by clicking an App or traveling through the world wide web via our mobile phones.

Williams Educational Consultants is not surprised to learn standardized testing is becoming digital. As an educational consultant who is a member of the Enrollment Management and a proctor for the SSAT Flex Test, digital testing has been part of the conversation for many years. First graduate level exams like the GRE and LSAT, then the ACT, followed by the SSAT.

Now, the College Board offers a Digital Suite.

Change is unavoidable.
Great things never come from comfort zones!

Counselors, educators, mentors, coaches, students, and parents have seen a ton of change within our educational system, from online learning to zoom classes to testing virtually. Today, educators are sharing articles and opinions about the announcement from College Board.

According to College Board, over 25,000 high schools teach students in the United States. As an educational consultant, I know that colleges have the challenge of learning about each of these high schools and understanding their grading policies. Much of the admissions process as we know it is very subjective. The SAT and ACT allow for standardization in a complex process. It is also difficult to compare applications with grade inflation, busy activity sections and ghost-written essays. Wendy Williams, founder of Williams Educational Consultants, takes pride in helping students choose wisely and market their skillset. Taking pride and being active in the college admissions process like taking standardized testing might be necessary for a student depending on their school of interest, academic background and skillset.

CollegeBoard is working towards allowing students a greater opportunity to shine by changing the process, which will allow the following opportunities for students:

  1. Utilize a laptop or tablet for testing

  2. Decrease timing of test to 2 hours

  3. Cut the length of reading passages

  4. Gain access to calculator during all math questions

  5. Make math questions less wordy

The SAT will launch this first internationally and then bring it to the United States for the Spring of 2024. This will impact the Classes of 2025 and beyond. Regardless of digitizing the test, , students will still be able to test at a national test center. Additionally, Kahn Academy will provide free practice for students. The scholarships search engine will continue, and the testing will still be out of 1600. Did I mention that students will receive their results in days instead of weeks? That reason alone is worth the digitization!

For more information about this new testing option for the Class of 2025 and beyond, click here.

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