Call (770) 633-1478

Kindergarten - 12th Local Placement
Williams Educational Consultants helps assist K-12 families who need help evaluating day school options, choosing programs for placement, and evaluating IEPs and/or 504 Plans. Our goal is to help identify schools that are excellent academic and social fits for the student's interests, abilities, and for the family's educational values. Consultants take time to visit schools annually and meet with Admissions officers to learn about the admissions landscape.
With so many great schools to choose from in the metro-Atlanta area, Williams Educational Consultants will help your family make the right academic and social fit.

The admissions process can be so overwhelming as you think about the most precious commodities in your home- your children. Our consultants carefully listen to your wants and needs, evaluate your child's strengths and weaknesses, and help your family throughout the admissions process. Learning style(s), academic interests, extracurricular activities, and athletics, as well as values and family ideals, are essential for finding the best educational fit. We believe that parents, teachers, counselors, and other mentors can give insight into your child's academic and social makeup, and we welcome the opportunity to be part of your family's team.
Guide students to explore interests, build confidence, and set educational goals for careers and graduate studies.
Motivate and inspire students to find their communication style, passions and strengths through assessments.