Williams Educational Consultants is proud of their Class of 2023. Our consultants coached 60 students this season, and we are excited about their success. In addition, our students received acceptances in over 80 universities with more than 3.5 million dollars in scholarships.

Thanks to our clients who completed the WEC Class of 2023 form, we have received the following acceptance list:
Allegheny College American University Arizona State University Auburn University Baylor University Bennington College Clark University Clemson University Coastal Carolina University College of Charleston Colorado School of Mines Connecticut College CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice Drexel University East Tennessee State University Elon University Emerson College | ​Florida Atlantic University Florida Southern College George Mason University Georgia College & State University Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus Georgia Southern University Georgia State University Goucher College Hampden-Sydney College Hampshire College Indiana University-Bloomington James Madison University Kennesaw State University
| Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Loyola University Chicago Miami University-Oxford Michigan State University Mississippi State University New York University Northeastern University Oglethorpe University Princeton University Purdue University-Main Campus Samford University Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design | ​Sewanee-The University of the South Southern Methodist University Temple University Texas Tech UniversityThe Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus The University of Alabama The University of Tampa The University of Tennessee The University of Texas at Austin Tulane University University of Arizona University of California-Davis University of California-Irvine University of California-San Diego | University of Cincinnati-Main Campus University of Colorado-Boulder University of Denver University of Florida University of Georgia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Kansas University of Kentucky University of Lynchburg University of Maryland-College Park University of Miami University of Michigan-Ann Arbor University of Mississippi Main Campus |
University of North Carolina at Charlott University of North Georgia University of Pennsylvania University of Puget Sound University of South Carolina-Columbia | ​ | ​University of Wisconsin-Madison Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Western Carolina University Willamette University | ​ |
WEC Class of 2023 has declared the schools below as their final decision as of May 1st:
Auburn University * Clarke University Clemson University * College of Charleston * Connecticut College Georgia Institute of Technology * Georgia State University * Indiana University-Bloomington Kennesaw State University * Michigan State University Miami University-Oxford Northeastern University | New York University Oglethorpe University Princeton University Purdue University-Main Campus * Sewanee-The University of the South Southern Methodist University * The Pennsylvania State University * The University of Tampa The University of Tennessee* Tulane University * | University of Georgia * University of Kentucky * University of Miami University of Michigan-Ann Arbor * University of Mississippi * University of North Georgia University of Pennsylvania |
* Denotes colleges where more than one student will be attending in the fall.
We would love to celebrate with you! So please post on our social media and share your excitement as you celebrate!
Instagram: @WilliamsEducationalConsultants
Twitter: @AdmissionsToday
Facebook: @WilliamsEducationalConsultants
May 1st - National College Decision Day (AKA Deposit deadline) – Today is the day that all colleges have been waiting for - National College Decision Day! Decision Day is when first-year applicants commit to a college and make their deposit. On the other hand, for colleges that you are expressing "thank you, but no," please be sure to let them know so that another student can come off of the wait list!
AP exams & Finals – May is always filled with AP Exams! A high score of 4 or 5 on your AP exam could translate to college credit. Check with your high school to ensure you know your AP schedule!
Thank you letters - Before you receive your diploma and walk across the stage, remember one thing - you didn't get here by yourself. Chances are, many people helped you through high school—for instance, your parents, teachers, counselor, etc. So take the time to write personalized thank you letters, especially to those who wrote college recommendation letters.