Williams Educational Consultants wants to give a BIG shout-out to all the students who have already submitted their 10/15 and 10/18 applications! Now that October's Early Action Deadline is here, students must do the following:
After submitting an application, students should receive an email from the college of interest with a new portal specifically related to their application file. On this portal, students should verify their application materials and receipt of items like the recommendations, transcript, application fee, scores, etc.
Complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile.
Begin working on any scholarship opportunities
IF you are interested in attending an HONORS program within a college, be sure that you complete an application for that program. (Not all schools have additional applications nor do all schools have an Honors program.)
Continue working on your next application batch for November 1st Deadlines!
Remember to keep up your grades, stay involved and spend time with your loved ones!
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