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Education Blog

Change of Altitude in the Fall?

Recently, Verto has been accepting seniors that aren't satisfied with the option of online classes in the fall.  For reasons that include our locations around the world and our very small size of 25 students per cohort (compared to most colleges that have one campus with thousands of students and staff), we feel confident that if anyone is able to run in-person semesters in the fall, it's Verto.  A few of our locations, including HawaiiCosta Rica/Panama, and the South Pacific (Fiji, New Zealand and Australia), have handled the crisis incredibly well.  Most of these places have below 1,000 cases and New Zealand even declared that they have "eliminated" Coronavirus.  Verto also has

backup plans prepared for every scenario; these include switching locations or running a hybrid online/in-person semester.  With every change in plans, we would give the student the option of withdrawing and receiving a refund.  This is expressed in our Enrollment Guarantee. Furthermore, with our Opportunity Grant, our Costa Rica/Panama semester is among the most affordable options that exist for students at only $5,000 with meals, housing and activities included.

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