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Education Blog

Wendy Williams

Five Fantastic Finds For Families

April Edition 2022

Williams Educational Consultants shares five educational topics that offer wisdom, guidance and fun for the entire family on the fourth friday of every month!

5 Wise Words From Wendy:

1. Prepare. The end of the semester is drawing near. Preparation will help with focus and lessen the anxiety.

2. Plan. Think a head and plan for a fun, educational summer. Helping your student plan for their break will increase motivation,

3. Relax. Quality time and laughter are great ways to relax. Watch a movie or cook something together (Check-out recipe below), tackle an escape room or simply take a walk.

4. Support. Advise your student to reach out to their teachers for end of the year support. Do they need a tutor or an organizational coach. Think of supportive ways to help decrease their anxiety.

5. Love. The end of the semester is often presented with fear and concern. Be sure to show extra love to your student in the next few weeks. Help them know that you are their safe space and that you love them no matter what grade they receive.

4 Current Conversations:

Here are some great topics that are creating some of the hottest current conversations:

1. Who is still accepting applicants? Check out this list:

2. Varsity Blues – another family charged with cheating.

3. Campus leaders must connect students with career options within their curriculum.

4. More on SAT and ACT.

3 School Snippets

Colleges often give advice on their sites:

1. Check-out University of Chicago’s podcast

2. Yale University gives advice on how to choose your college list.

3. What does a strong support system look like in college for educational support?

2 Private School Plugs

A section to focus on local private schools in metro-Atlanta:

1. Atlanta Parent highlights private options and summer opportunities.

2. Gracepoint School purchases new building.

1 Recipe Randomness

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